background picture taken by (Natalia Vodianova and Marlon Teixeira for FORUM 01)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Moving to a new HOME

2nd sem of archi life at USM had begun.
i wanted to and had to again document my work as blog entries.
Hessitated wheter to stick with this current blog or move...and now, i've decided. I am MOVING over. Its a new year-2011, its a new sem..(click on the picture to browse my new blog)


Monday, October 25, 2010

25th Oct-Xhibit Soul Shift


Doomsday or Domesday? its our choice in my perception. The Soul Shift exhibition was initiated yesterday.I found yesterday kinda inspiring. From Tuan Syed's(Tuan Syed Mohd Bakar bin Syed Mohd Salim) interesting background to his inspiring words. He seems to be man of honour, poise, wisdom-someone i hope i can become. His wisdom was shared and from his brief talk, i found many quotes meaningful

" I have met mant headmasters, but he was the one i enjoyed working the most. Unlike others, he talked the part and did the part."

"Sad is the student who does not excel the teacher-Leornado daVinci"

" To do creative art, you ought to have some audacity."

wise words indeed. I was there from the beginning to the end and i heard all the presentations by the selected groups. Some were very inspriring. Once chose to let words and music touch our hearts.

Soul shift? Wisely said, soul shift can only occur from within. Each of us has an innorcent, pure voice waiting to grow, develop. And this innocent, genuine voice cannot be enforced into somebody. It has to be planted, nurtured.






i was given the honour to conclude the 1st half of the presentation done by the students. i trembled but hellya..i am just thankful. From the sceptical me, i have to be stronger in person, i have to have a change in mindset. From a dream to a reality. It can come true.

the shut down of STUDIO 101 falls on this Friday. gotta prepare my presentation. its gonna be the end of the chapter.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

24th Oct-Dome Construction

great thanks to this Man-Yusof..he has a great smile..don't you agree?

The long awaited dome was finally going to be constructed and lifted up high in the skies. It is a Sunday and we had to be there by 9 am. Before this, everyone i assume was sceptical about this DOME. I mean like quetions like: Can we really do this? Is this gonna be an accomplishment or a child's dream? kinda pop in our minds. and did i mention the Strict(i mean very strick) selection and checking of struts ?It was like living hell..i see people redoing their struts over and over again. Since, everything seems so strict and well planned, can it succeed? wait and see



i spotted much laughter, joy and fun while the dome was being raised. We had a great time there.

if this situation word pops up -ROSAK..means banned
did i mention that one my my strut was labelled ROSAK? guess what lucky me broke the record!!! i did 9 struts in hell indeed..i had really enough of struts. and all i can say is a big Thank U to tose who helped me even through this dark hour. Thank the Lord for blessing me.

after a day of hard work, me and my team of friends hanged on till the very end! and we saw most of the ups and downs of the day. The dome was lifted up-held high and proud. Though only hald the dome could be constructed-due to some errors and material malfunction of the connectors, I dare to say, i am just glad its all done..all the worries can just be thrown aside as the Xhibit is tomorrow!!!

Through the way, i spotted a Ghostbuster? i living in a cartoon world? haha

a special thanks to Dr Illias for the lunch treat..i spot many Roti USA...haha

Finally, what is this?? its actually mu submission of my 10 words based on my transformation in HBP so far. I chose :" stars need not be the brightest to shine" as i believe that we are all stars in the making and though we may not be at the top but we still SHINe and Glitter in every single way.

Exhibit: Soul Shift is tomorrow.awaiting it

21-Oct 2010


Me, busy redoing my bamboo stuts-strut no.7 and 8. I began with sawing the leftover bamboos and 'kikis' the bamboo skin and push the connector inside...



i even made my initial on my connectors..and guess what ive completed my 7th and 8th bamboo strut!!! i though this was a feat nobody could fight with, eventually i found out that i am going to be proven wrong.

throughout the day, blood was shed...pain, hurt, were already common words to us. I was thinking: when would all this misery end?

i just wanna seriously thank those for helping me with my 7th and 8th strut..seriously..TQ

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Dymaxion-Part 2

the dymaxion is done and the picture montage has been completed(i guess?) might make some changes. Initially wanted to use glass and light as elements in my dymaxion but after sticking the photos, i feel like letting my work speak for itself.

X claimed that this dymaxion seems to be not able to relate to me as usually i am more flamboyant in my assignments. Maybe it has something to do with my feelings at that moment.

There will be a part 3 where we can see modification. Hopefully.

Dome construction

The bamboos have finally arrived at HBP around yesterday. And it seems the construction of the scaffolds and gangplanks will begin and eventually the dome will be up.Will it be up?Yes. On time?Its another thing we must consider.

A man with vision is Man who will see transformation.