background picture taken by (Natalia Vodianova and Marlon Teixeira for FORUM 01)

Monday, October 25, 2010

25th Oct-Xhibit Soul Shift


Doomsday or Domesday? its our choice in my perception. The Soul Shift exhibition was initiated yesterday.I found yesterday kinda inspiring. From Tuan Syed's(Tuan Syed Mohd Bakar bin Syed Mohd Salim) interesting background to his inspiring words. He seems to be man of honour, poise, wisdom-someone i hope i can become. His wisdom was shared and from his brief talk, i found many quotes meaningful

" I have met mant headmasters, but he was the one i enjoyed working the most. Unlike others, he talked the part and did the part."

"Sad is the student who does not excel the teacher-Leornado daVinci"

" To do creative art, you ought to have some audacity."

wise words indeed. I was there from the beginning to the end and i heard all the presentations by the selected groups. Some were very inspriring. Once chose to let words and music touch our hearts.

Soul shift? Wisely said, soul shift can only occur from within. Each of us has an innorcent, pure voice waiting to grow, develop. And this innocent, genuine voice cannot be enforced into somebody. It has to be planted, nurtured.






i was given the honour to conclude the 1st half of the presentation done by the students. i trembled but hellya..i am just thankful. From the sceptical me, i have to be stronger in person, i have to have a change in mindset. From a dream to a reality. It can come true.

the shut down of STUDIO 101 falls on this Friday. gotta prepare my presentation. its gonna be the end of the chapter.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

24th Oct-Dome Construction

great thanks to this Man-Yusof..he has a great smile..don't you agree?

The long awaited dome was finally going to be constructed and lifted up high in the skies. It is a Sunday and we had to be there by 9 am. Before this, everyone i assume was sceptical about this DOME. I mean like quetions like: Can we really do this? Is this gonna be an accomplishment or a child's dream? kinda pop in our minds. and did i mention the Strict(i mean very strick) selection and checking of struts ?It was like living hell..i see people redoing their struts over and over again. Since, everything seems so strict and well planned, can it succeed? wait and see



i spotted much laughter, joy and fun while the dome was being raised. We had a great time there.

if this situation word pops up -ROSAK..means banned
did i mention that one my my strut was labelled ROSAK? guess what lucky me broke the record!!! i did 9 struts in hell indeed..i had really enough of struts. and all i can say is a big Thank U to tose who helped me even through this dark hour. Thank the Lord for blessing me.

after a day of hard work, me and my team of friends hanged on till the very end! and we saw most of the ups and downs of the day. The dome was lifted up-held high and proud. Though only hald the dome could be constructed-due to some errors and material malfunction of the connectors, I dare to say, i am just glad its all done..all the worries can just be thrown aside as the Xhibit is tomorrow!!!

Through the way, i spotted a Ghostbuster? i living in a cartoon world? haha

a special thanks to Dr Illias for the lunch treat..i spot many Roti USA...haha

Finally, what is this?? its actually mu submission of my 10 words based on my transformation in HBP so far. I chose :" stars need not be the brightest to shine" as i believe that we are all stars in the making and though we may not be at the top but we still SHINe and Glitter in every single way.

Exhibit: Soul Shift is tomorrow.awaiting it

21-Oct 2010


Me, busy redoing my bamboo stuts-strut no.7 and 8. I began with sawing the leftover bamboos and 'kikis' the bamboo skin and push the connector inside...



i even made my initial on my connectors..and guess what ive completed my 7th and 8th bamboo strut!!! i though this was a feat nobody could fight with, eventually i found out that i am going to be proven wrong.

throughout the day, blood was shed...pain, hurt, were already common words to us. I was thinking: when would all this misery end?

i just wanna seriously thank those for helping me with my 7th and 8th strut..seriously..TQ

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Dymaxion-Part 2

the dymaxion is done and the picture montage has been completed(i guess?) might make some changes. Initially wanted to use glass and light as elements in my dymaxion but after sticking the photos, i feel like letting my work speak for itself.

X claimed that this dymaxion seems to be not able to relate to me as usually i am more flamboyant in my assignments. Maybe it has something to do with my feelings at that moment.

There will be a part 3 where we can see modification. Hopefully.

Dome construction

The bamboos have finally arrived at HBP around yesterday. And it seems the construction of the scaffolds and gangplanks will begin and eventually the dome will be up.Will it be up?Yes. On time?Its another thing we must consider.

A man with vision is Man who will see transformation.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Dymaxion part 1

Our last assignment is to create a dymaxion(created by Buckminister Fuller). We were told to compose 5 of our best works and paste it on the fascets our the dymaxion. After tracing and putting my dymaxion pieces into 1, I used Photoshop CS3 to edit and compose these images into a montage to tell a story. This was my 1st attempt to use CS3 as i always found difficulty when handling with techno stuff but i am quite proud with my end products.

Align Center

Sunday, October 17, 2010

1500 mash up.

This is our 1500 piece tackling the issue of soul shift. We looked through the point of view of a child, looking at the present, past and his dreams for the future.

Time for talk alone is dying; we need to unite, share, serve and see change.

Why the birds fly In such a huge flock above me? They are pretty but they seem scared. There are rats all around, teamed up like military, and they ran to the same direction in packs. And what is the loud sound behind? And why the people around me scattered?

They are not running towards the same direction either, they are like broken pieces of glass, carrying on their own feet. Where goes unity? Aren’t we a colony?

I live in a world where humans keep on pursuing advance technology and constantly racing with each other. It happens around me as a teenager. And I know it happens around the people who they think they are matured enough and are always right, the so-called adults. Everywhere I see, I see selfish.

Walking along a city street, i see eye-feeding skyscrapers, congested traffics, and black fumes escaping from the bottom of the cars to the blue skies. Where goes the cooling breeze under the twelve o’clock bright sky? It changed into dusty winds which smell bad. Where goes those with smiles all the time? They are now stingy and self-centered reckless driver. I see no more close ties between neighbours and friends. I am alone. We are together living alone.

The world, as I see, is going too far. I was told that thousand and thousand years ago, we used to live together. We share the food we hunt. We drink the same water, breathe the same clean air. How about now? You tear apart my home, and build your own shelter. Builders are competing, who build the tallest building? Too much till I forget. Everyday I see new buildings being erected. They look like boomerangs, punishing the flesh and soil underneath. The city looks like a cage, in which we are the prisoners. Money matters. They get an A in making profit, but a C for human relationships and environment preservation. I feel hotter day after day. Disasters happen everywhere and I wonder that’s natural or man-made. Nobody listens.

I dream a dream. A new way of life where the sky has no limits, the sea has no boundaries, where there is no box to frame, to capture our minds. I see a future of freedom. To achieve that kind of life, the only way I see of achieving that is by driving with no fear. Driving here does not have to necessarily mean being in a car, with your palms clinched on the steering wheel. Its more about driving your imagination , your mindset, your inner black box to the maximum. Its about speeding when you have to for survival, to reach that extra mile, to achieve that ultimate ideal dream of ours.

Yet driving is not everything about reaching the destination. Its also about the path, the process of arrival. Its not the end product that only matters in this case. The whole journey too plays great significance. Likewise, our environment either built environment and natural environment too exists this way. When a project is initiated, a lot of thought process is the put into it. The environmental factors, the way humans react to such changes , the influence of architecture on the social interaction-the way we talk, eat, sleep are key points along the thought process. Throughout the whole process, it is thus our main priority to keep the whole ecosystem , environment balanced, not interrupting the whole flow of Mother Nature. The end product maybe creme de le crème, but if architecture kills, if we cant support or sustain our environment, of what purpose the intention to build comes in the first place? When we drive and when passengers are on board, safety must too not be ignored. The whole thought process should be developed with too careful consideration as lives of the children of the future are at stake at the same time.

My approach is to live architecture through the language of music-raw, natural sounds. So many words can be used to consider the quality of music: tone, texture, density, vibration architecture is music in space, as it is a frozen music. Writing about music is like dancing with architecture. Imagine a world in which we can translate classical music to an architecture form. Listen carefully. Listen to the flowing streams gushing through from stone to stone, listen with your heart to the chirping of a sparrow. Listen to the calling of Mother Nature. Musician’s express themselves through music; likewise, architects show their colours through their inspiration by organic forms.

Stop talking alone! Stop walking alone. Single voice alone can’t push things to move forward . Ideas, voices from everyone is needed to figure out a better solution, for a brighter future. It just like an orchestra. Only with the combination of every single tune, thus only we can create beautiful music, which can trigger audiences’ senses. Similar to architects, we should share together, integrate our thoughts , combining our voices, being ONE and thus convince others that we are the future and we can change the world together.

It is the moment for us to reflect and thus wake up. Waiting is no longer an option. Waiting would only bring us nowhere-just like stagnant water. Getting up, thinking, and action is key to survival to any global fiasco. Let it be rain or shine, we just have to get up and move.

Wake up from your box. Keep your eyes wide-opened. Now stretch your arms and try to lift the door trapping you in your casket. It might be heavy, you might find yourself weak, not strong enough for such a task. Yet, do not let fear and failure prevail. Try harder, use your strength and push, lift harder than you even had. Do not give up, and surrender. It might take time for you to push the lid out from the box, but when you do so, you will be enlightened. You will see light. You will then see the world in a manner you have never been able to do so.

I am here to serve the people, to use architecture as a medium in reaching way deeper into the human psychic than any other art form. If we manage to do that, architecture can be the one solution that soothes the soul, stimulates the mind, stirs the heart or even bring joy in a life.

Even a simple design can transform the thinking or even worldview of others if it contains insights and revelations which are helpful to the journey of another. We all are each others’ teachers.

I believe it is time to meet the challenges of our time with gusto. We will have to develop universal responsibility. ‘I’ should be replaced with ‘we’. Each of us must learn to work not only for his benefit but also for the sake of mankind. Universal responsibility is the best foundation to human survival-world peace.

God gave us a voice. Each an individual, distinct, personal gift, so beautiful, so delicate, so light like a feather. So, here we are to voice out our thoughts, opinions. To use these voices as One. To unite, to start anew. Science has shown us that the ant family is the oldest surviving species. The question is how a creature so small, so soft, so weak survive for such a long transition of time? Ants somehow have their own duties well delegated. Each has a role, a part to play. One alone , they are weak, but together, there are strong. Likewise, standing alone, we are nothing more minute, insignificant like sand. But staying united, even a minute sand can transform into a sandstorm. I hear random voices, sounds to be heard.

The sound of a classic musician.

Somehow he can hear the sound of awakening, the sound of salvation. The repertoire of struggle, sad and frustration keep flashing through his mind.

He sees the young generation, as the future crusaders, and needs to unload all the abandoned thinking and start to talk about oneness. He sees us as the saviour to melt the frozen salvation.

/ Jonathan Tin Yuan Jong

This is a letter from the boy who holds the camera.

He hopes that this will never be a teenage talk. Broken pieces shall they fix. He wants to start anew. He wants to plant a timeless tree, listens attentively to what she says, and return the monochromic world some RGBs.

/ Teh Weng Jen

This is the way an exotic, mystical creature Sews silk with fantasy and reality.

He dreams to search for truth, enlightenment, constructing surprises on the way.. To walk this spiritual walk, he shuts down gloomy skies, slips into a rabbit hole of creative madness. He never tends to steal the spotlight from nature.

/ Foong You Sheng

This is a voice from Iban tribe, originating from Rejang River of Sarawak.

To him nature is a form of catalyst that awakes him from a deep sleep inside a box. A box chaining his mind. By synchronizing with nature, he will try to unlock his mind.

/ Mackartney Jampung

The Whistle King decided to start a journey now, a spiritual journey.

He tried to listen to his soul, his real sound. He unveils the mist covering him. He realises that the answer has always been within his heart. Unity, sharing and transformation……

/ Shew Chin Teck

We share different visions, serve different life purposes. One thing we believe brought us together, the urge to see change.

No man is an island, and no man stands alone.

I want to see a day where the children of the future breathes life into the earth, where they allow their imagination run wild like the gazelles at the wild plains of Africa. A place where you can see girls double dutch on the concrete pathway, where laughter and joy prevails. A new sanctuary where all new homes are virtually built from raw candy. A new wonderland where we can explore, a place almost like Neverland-where children never grow up. Growing up here does not refer to a pure life or childhood innocence. Its more like a place where we can all unite as one, awaken as one. A sanctuary in which we can share , serve and see a brighter future. A new platform we can all combine our thoughts, imagination, creativity and moulding these ‘ingredients’ into ONE.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

our voices for the future

we as aspiring architects were required to create a 300 abstract of words based on our subtopic.

9A: Time for talk alone is dying; we need to unite, share ,serve and see change.

So, what we intended and all had the same mindset- we choose to be different, to drive to our limits , to step out from the normal box where everyone was trying to squeeze themselves and pack themselves like sardine fish. In this case, we choose to sprint out.

the way we generated our ideas were rather different and unique this time. Inspired by how the name "voldemort" (adapted from Harry Potter) came about, we tried using a Power Word inspired theme to create this abstract.


These are the key words. Using the first alphabet of each word for example, we came out with more power words that have a Boom Boom Pow or a punch effect that makes an impact :


Architecture-A-able, aim, awareness, agility, aspire, apex, abstract, access.....
Time-T-timeless, tree, tile, team, think, teenage, tolerate...
U-use, utilise, undertake...
Share-S-start, strut, silk, sew, stairs, share, serve, see, saviour, soul, something, sacrifice, synchronise, survival, spice, scale.....
Change-C-contours, colours, career, care, creative, coffin, chameleon, communicate.....

Thus using these power words as a guideline, we composed personal voices that were personal from each group member to be included. In this case, we see Unity as listening to(not mere hearing) from each individual and connecting our heartsm thoughts into a unigue dymaxion. By doing so, then only we are able to see, serve, share change.

Like the way our 300 word abstract starts-

To them, these may still sounded like children muttering.

Though we seem innocent, we, the aspiring architects have our own voice.

These are our voices, and we are tackling this topic as a student, a child of the future. All coming from different backgrounds, yet having an inner voice within us we want to share, to be able to see, serve a better purpose for a better tomorrow.

these are our voices

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Inspired by words

Today's lecture somehow truly answered something i wanted to ask che wan all along-the great Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT) experience.

Che Wan was there explaining about his research he did back then-about Malay houses. And as he flipped through the slides, i was thinking, this is MIT, being in the US, everything is about the latest technology, best facilities, forward thinking is such a necessity. Yet, he chose to retain his Malay roots and do a research about traditional houses.

then popped my Question-Being in MIT , one should be inspired by the modern marvels, being more westernised, yet how on earth would he still have the interest on traditional Houses?

Relating back to his experience at MIT, i somehow feel his enthusiasm as he flashed back through his past. I kinda feel his life was like Indiana Jones, discovering, exploring, shaping his mind. Hopping from class to class, scheduling his own timetables or classes he was interested in attending.

What that fascinated me the most is about the distinct personalities. A girl half naked/naked(i dunno) using a knife cutting her hand to her shoulders as a part of her final presentation?? and the best thing is that she got an A! Chemistry students creating Bombs and putting them under your bed? its such a MAD mad world out there. The sentence that truly captured my mind was " everyone was so distinct there, we did what we want whenever wherever we wanted, it was a free school." Free even goes to the extent of hopping to American Poetry class to even Harvard!

" At MIT, we argued ideas with our lecturers, we were more like friends. If we wanted a table as a worktable, we went and saw ourselves our own table."

" i worked as a carpenter, painter.....when my scholarship was terminated, you can survive."

"i was on the way to mexico in the deserts, and i saw this red indian(mistaken as a girl) asking for a ride"

" if you are interested in studying abroad, quit HBP now."

this was an inspiring lecture i find, making me realize how unique as individuals we are and the potential the human personality can be sculpted. To be UNIQUE , to have fresh ideas. The power word is this case is FREE.

"i believe it is everyone's greatest fantasies to study abroad, but sometimes, financial restrains us from achieving that..."

"just go for can survive."

today's inspirational talk i somehow felt very personal to me, wanting to go abroad someday, these answers somehow managed to answer to my inner desire. Some might say why ask this question at this time.

Hello, i will tell them " How often do you find MIT , Yale, Harvard, Cambridge graduates walking around willing to share?"

Inspired. I wish to sew my silk of fantasy and reality.

i want to and i know that with God's will my dream will come true.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Does BIG stands for besar or its just another taboo?

BIG, bamboo interest group is what we are known about. Accordingly, people of simillar interest in bamboo and have the heart and desire to save the world, prepare the people before any catastrophe are a part of this group. A huge dome will be built, a research village on bamboo will be conducted, even a cafe which caters for bamboo cuisine will be started. Interesting , but is it going to be reality?

To spur things up, a so-called conference was held to awknowledge the others outside from the HBP commnunity about the huge leap we are about to make to contribute to the Apex journey. And Che wan was explaining again the whole concept and the thought process about BIG events and its humble beginnings.

Talking about the endless potential of a mere plant , growing in clusters, which regenerates , which sustains and gives life.Quetions were thrown and answerd. However, though i prepared a quetion, i did not ask mine.

It goes this way:

Q1: APex is all about a big leap, we say that BIG enables us to Accelerate, but that is our concept, how do we know we can actually accelerate ? or we are just changing another route for a different approach? is that accelerating as well?

Q2:Bamboo, to accelerate, should not the whole community leap together? but it seems the bamboo mania has sparked more fear den marvel?

i understand the multi-benefits of this extraordinary creation of GOD, but is it possible to unite all and go with this project? thats another Q, this is beacuse having an intention without the support(people) is insufficient. Sceptical ? yes, nevertheless, i am looking forward to the progress and development.

Friday, October 1, 2010

the last chance

Studio 1 is shutting down. News to bear. Hearing that gave me a mixture of feelings. Though i absolutely dislike all the bamboo cutting and sawing stuff, studio 101 really gave me a chance to showcast my creativity and i truly value this golden opportunity.

Che Wan and En. Rosli, two men whom i deeply respect issued our last assignmemts and its gonna be a collage or flashback or our memories of our RUS101 life. I promise myself i wanna do something that could mark the growth of me in the studio, i wanted to create something beautiful, something that speaks to the soul of man, a gift that brings reflecting and joy to the eye that beholds it.

i want to make myself proud.

sceptical about our dome assignment(real construction) as the bamboos are shrinking!!!!..fingers crossed